Why Is Canada Talking About the Carbon Tax Again? – GWC Mag

by gwcmag

I can’t believe it’s taking up all the oxygen in the room. Again.

What is there to say about the federal carbon tax that hasn’t already been said? Over. And over. And over again?

And yet, here we are. Provincial premiers of a certain political persuasion have spent the last decade making federal carbon pricing an excuse and a scapegoat for their own failure to address a cascading cost of living crisis, or tackle a climate emergency that is multiplying those front-line losses with epic wildfires, crippling drought, and more frequent, severe storms. Their latest federal champion, a lifelong political hack who’s never had any real job experience, reduces the complexities of federal-provincial relations and a global climate emergency to cute slogans like “Axe the Tax” and “Spike the Hike”.

It’s a strategy whose effective messaging is matched only by its substantive and moral bankruptcy.

Read the rest of this commentary here.

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